Food and drinksRecipes
Three excellent cooking recipes that your table should not be without any of them
good recipes
Cinnamon and pine rice
Table of Contents
One and a half kilos of rice – Laurie paper – one eighth of a kilo of pine nuts – two cardamoms – one tablespoon of cinnamon and the same amount of salt – grated nutmeg – half a cup of ghee – one large onion – chicken soup or two broth cubes.
- Purify the rice, wash and drain, peel and chop the onion.
- Fry the onion in ghee and oil, then add the cinnamon and rice and stir.
- Add the Lowry paper and adjust the salt, as well as the grated nutmeg.
- Add the hot chicken soup to the rice and leave to cook.
Fry the pine nuts in a pan, add to the rice when done and serve.
- Soak the bulgur for 10 minutes in water, wash and drain.
- Add the amount of bulgur to a kilogram of minced meat, peel and chop the onion and add to the bulgur and meat as well as spices, adjust salt and pepper and chop the mixture twice.
- Half a kilo of minced meat is cooked, then the kibbeh discs are hollowed out from the inside and the finger is stuffed with meat, closed and boiled in boiling water with a little salt.
- Cut the eggplant into medium pieces and fry half of it. Also, grind the tomatoes with a blender and add water to it as well as the sauce.
- Put the onions until they turn red in corn oil and ghee, add the tomatoes until the sauce is done, then add the kibbeh tablets, as well as the eggplant, and leave to cook and serve.