Children’s tantrums causes and ways to control them
Children's tantrums causes and ways to control them
Children’s tantrums Causes and ways to control them, there is no doubt that motherhood and raising children in general is a very delicate work, in order to maintain a psychologically stable environment, with clearly defined morals and values, in order to raise healthy and happy children. Inevitably, dealing with different behaviors of children at different ages is a challenge for parents. One of the common difficulties in dealing with young children between the ages of 1-4 years is controlling their sharp temper and their intense anger known as “tantrums”.
Children’s tantrums causes and ways to control them
What are tantrums and what causes them?
Tantrums are defined as outbursts of rage and frustration; the child yells, screams, throws things, or lies on the floor. It can get worse when the child starts hitting the head or hitting the floor in anger, or he may vomit or hold his breath as a tool for pressure on the parents.
The causes of tantrums vary from young children to older children. Usually children between the ages of one and two years get upset because their language skills are still developing and they can’t express what they want clearly. But older children between the ages of three and four usually use tantrums as a way to pressure parents to get what they want from things they think their parents will refuse, such as another toy, extra candy, spending more time in front of the TV, or delaying bedtime. And the like.
Tips for dealing with nervous breakdowns and tantrums
First, we as parents need to be as calm as possible; to think rationally and deal with the situation correctly.
Second, most education counselors agree to ignore these episodes; because the attention may increase its intensity, the child will repeat this negative behavior later. Certainly, parents should ensure the safety of their child, and intervene if he begins to engage in any aggressive behavior, allocating the time of punishment for the bad behavior.
Third, if the seizure continues, try to say what he wants and make sure you understand him well, which can help calm him and control his feelings.
Fourth, during tantrums in public, try to distract him or her with something, such as changing the subject or moving to a different place, which may help stop the tantrum when the child quickly engages in new activities.
Fifth, try to avoid circumstances that cause tantrums, such as missing a child’s naptime or leaving him without food.
Although there are some methods that may stop tantrums immediately; Like bribery tactics, they are not recommended because they wrongly reward a tantrum.
Also, avoid yelling at or threatening your child; and always remember that as parents we only try to direct or divert our children’s negative feelings, and certainly not attack all their feelings, emotions and expressions.
On the other hand, according to the German website Kita for kindergartens, frequent tantrums in children are not a cause for concern, as they are part of the development of the child’s personality. Even if this behavior is stressful for the whole family, this behavior of children does not have a sinister background. The goal through this behavior is simply for the child to try to get what he wants, which helps him to develop a sense of challenge and self-affirmation, and it is important not to reprimand him for that.
Children’s tantrums or negative behaviors in general should not make us parents feel guilty or embarrassed because it is a natural part of the growth process We should always remember that we do our best to help our children express themselves in the right way Finally, always remember that parenting is a learning journey for all of us Through it.
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